520 CR 403, 20 ac./Home/Shop/Barn/Lake
520 CR 403, Llano, TX 78643

- County: United States
- Address: 520 CR 403
- City: Llano
- Price: $634,500
- State: TX
- Status: For Sale
- Sqft: 1,458 SF=Home--- Shop=1,600 SF
- Lot Size: 20.8 ac.
- Year Built: 1988
- MLS#: HLAR; 167316
- Tax Rate: 1.08843
- Beds: 3
- Baths: 2
Wow! This property has it all! Starting with a Beautiful 1458 SF Manufactured 3/2 with a massive porch & deck areas it sits above a beautiful small lake & a running feeder creek. The 1,600 SF+ Workshop/office is across the pond & set up for anything somebody wants to put in and a few hundred yards away is the Barn for all your Farming/Ranching equipment. The place is also set up for a hunting operation or relaxing in the retired life. The land is unique & has a Massive Granite outcrop, big Live Oaks, planted Pecan trees and plenty of native flora for the abundance of wild life seen on the property. The Well is a reported 12 GPM and the place looks Great! Don’t miss this great opportunity!
Drone: https://youtu.be/AiibBKkND9I
From Llano Courthouse, go North to Hwy 29 & go west to CR 403, go north less that half a mile to gate on right.
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